The square knot is one of the most widely used decorative macrame knots out there. With them you can create wonderful textures and they are rather quick to make.
The square knot is composed of two half knots, each of them done in the opposite direction. You learned how to make a half knot in the previous lesson, which means you already know how to make a square knot too.
The square knot can be done right facing or one left facing. There is a little bumb either on the right or left side of the knot.
The square knot is often abbreviated as SK in macrame tutorials.
Step by step instructions
For square knots, just like half knots, you need to have four cords: two working cords and two filler cords. Number your cords from left to right. Number one and four are your working cords. The middle cords (2 and 3) are filler cords.
Here are the photo instructions on how to make a left facing square knot. See the video for the right faving square knot.

First make a half knot by bringing cord 1 over cords 2 & 3 and under cord 4.
To finish your half knot take cord 4 under cords 2 & 3 and over cord 1 (cord 4 goes through the loop cord 1 creates with cord 2). Cords 1 and 4 have now switched places.

Then make another half knot, in opposite direction, to complete the square knot. Move cord 1 back to the left over the two filler cords and under cord 4.
Then move cord 4 back to the right under the two filler cords and over cord 1.

Pull cords 1 and 4 to tighten the knot, but keep the filler cords straight. Voilà , you have completed a left facing square knot!