Before you get started

Welcome to your basic macrame knots course

You will learn how to knot FIVE different basic macrame knots. The abbreviations are in the brackets after the knot name.

  • One mounting knot (useful for mounting cords onto your work)
    • Lark's head knot (LH)
  • Three decorative knots (used for the main body of your work)
    • Half knot (HK)
    • Square knot (SK)
    • Clove hitch (CH)
  • One ending knot (useful for finishing the ends of works, such as plant hangers)
    • Gathering knot (GK)
What cord to practise on? How much should I cut?

You can practise these knots with absolutely any cord you have in the house. That said, it gets easier to learn the knots and to untie them (if you want to practice with the same cords for example), if your cord has these qualities:

  • Tougher cord that does not damage easily when untied
  • Bigger cord, 5-10mm
  • The ends do not fray (if they fray, scotch tape the ends to prevent this)

If your cord is about 5mm thick, cut about 50cm strands. If your cord is about 10mm thick, cut at least 80cm long strands. It takes more rope to knot with thicker cord.

Have fun!

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